Sustainability is high on the agenda of Ultratank, and we are always looking to evolve our practices and processes for a more sustainable chemical tanker business. That is why Ultratank is proud to announce that we have signed a long-term contract with the maritime technology company, Seaber.io. Seaber is a Finnish company that develops data-led fleet scheduling and optimisation solutions. The partnership will be a step towards a more sustainable business and will support Ultratank´s decarbonization strategy to reduce CO2 intensity by at least 40% by 2030.
Seaber’s product is an AI-assisted planning solution developed to revolutionise the tanker and bulker shipping industry. It is a schedule planning software that help plan, communicate, operate and optimise cargo flows and fleet schedule. The outcome is improved asset utilisation and profitability, streamlined port calls as well as reduced fuel consumption and emissions. Seaber’s technology is a web-based application designed for both cargo owners and shipowners, allowing them to maximise efficiencies in schedule planning, reducing inefficiency, errors, costs and environmental impact of bulker and tanker shipping.
Initial results show that Seaber’s schedule planning solution allows Ultratank to save up to 3% in operating costs, with estimates of up to 5% in the future.
Michel Polette, Chartering Manager WCSA at Ultratank says the following about the new partnership: “With supply being very tight, optimising our fleet is extremely relevant. Seaber will be a helpful tool to support our scheduling process, save bunkers and most importantly CO2 emissions. We are happy to partner up with Seaber to help us reach our environmental goals.”
Seaber is, like Ultranav, a part of the Call to Action for shipping decarbonisation launched by the Global Maritime Forum, which makes the partnership even more aligned towards to same goal. Being Seaber’s first clients in the tanker industry, the contract with Ultratank is a major milestone for them and the first step towards applying their technology for a more sustainable chemical tanker operation. “Ultratank shares our aspirations of being an environmentally friendly company. What they can achieve with Seaber’s software solution is only a start. We are excited to be selected by Ultratank and are looking forward to a close cooperation with their team,” explains Sebastian Sjöberg, CEO and Co-founder of Seaber.
Their technology is the first on the market to target a wide scale of bulker and tankers to increase efficiency, and Seaber therefore has a unique position to reduce the industry’s environmental impact and to help achieve more sustainable tankers and bulkers. Seaber works closely with charterers and shipowner companies to drive the digital transformation of maritime logistics and to achieve the mission of more sustainable tankers and bulkers.
We look very much forward to working with Seaber towards a more sustainable chemical tanker industry and achieving our common goal on reducing emissions.
Learn more about our sustainability initiatives and goals here, and more about Seaber here.